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Larry Krotz,
through a career as a writer and a film maker, has explored the ways our actions affect our world. Widely traveled, he has become well acquainted with Canada’s north, including numerous First Nations communities, and the African countries of Kenya, Zimbabwe and Angola. Over the years his films, including Searching for Hawa’s Secret for the National Film Board of Canada, have won awards and been aired on Canadian and American television.


Trapped by Tourism, Sustainability Questions for a World Fueled by Travelers is now out and available both in stores and on-line, in hard copy, on Amazon and Kindle.
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Travel was once a way by which the world changed us. Now it is a way through which we change the world. The book explores tensions that formed with the rise of mass tourism, focusing on what travelers want versus what travelers do, and the sustainability of tourism itself both as it plays out in national economies and as a factor impacting natural and cultural environments. We will never shut down tourism, we are destined to have it and participate in it. But what truly are its implications for the world we live in?

Listen to Larry talk about his latest book on
The Taylor Report, CIUT radio by clicking the link or read more on the Broadview webpage.

Trapped by Tourism is published by Washington’s Rowman & Littlefield which was recently taken over by the U.K.s Bloomsbury Publishing.

Researching and writing such books is a skill and service I’m excited to make available to those in the worlds of medicine, science, academia and even business who have extraordinary stories to tell and feel an urgency to get those stories recorded. Please find me through my contact page.